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TangramOdis srl

Continuing Education in Dentistry


Our Activities


The Furcation Dilemma

Speakers: P. Cortellini - S. Cortellini - D. Bonaccini

Date: from 02/07/2025 to 05/07/2025


Periodontal Regeneration Revisited

Speakers: Cortellini P - Cortellini S - Bonaccini D

Date: from 08/10/2025 to 11/10/2025


Advanced Training Workshop on Mucogingival Surgery

Speakers: Cortellini P - Cortellini S - Bonaccini D

Date: from 11/12/2025 to 13/12/2025


The Furcation Dilemma

Speakers: P. Cortellini - S. Cortellini - D. Bonaccini

Date: from 02/07/2025 to 05/07/2025

This Advanced Training Workshop will face the most challenging clinical problem in dentistry: the treatment of molars with furcation involvement. The “furcation dilemma” is still an open question with some clear answers and many dark sides. The aim of this 4-day full immersion workshop is to discuss the non-surgical and surgical approaches to give clinicians predictable solutions for the treatment of teeth with furcation involvement. The course will be empowered with ample discussion on the anatomic and diagnostic parameters to set a treatment plan. The “core” of the workshop will focus on detailed description of surgical concepts, surgical techniques, clinical tips, complications and failures. Lectures, 2D and 3D video demonstrations, hands-on training, practical exercises on simulators, and case discussion, will allow clinicians to upgrade their skills in the treatment of teeth with furcation involvement.


Periodontal Regeneration Revisited

Speakers: Cortellini P - Cortellini S - Bonaccini D

Date: from 08/10/2025 to 11/10/2025

This Advanced Training Workshop will include many innovative clinical concepts and very many detailed clinical tips. The course is a four days immersion in the revisited and updated world of Periodontal Regeneration. The world most renown Master on Periodontal Regeneration, Dr. Cortellini, and his Team offer a 360° analysis of the up-to-date application of the Biologically Driven Periodontal Regeneration to teeth with intrabony defects. The course will be empowered with detailed description of novel concepts, detailed clinical tips and analysis of pitfalls, complications and failures. The problems will be analyzed and the most advanced solutions will be discussed and shown on Dr Cortellini cases. Lectures, 2D and 3D video demonstrations, hands-on training, practical exercises on simulators, and case discussion, will allow clinicians to upgrade their skills in the application of periodontal regenerative medicine.


Advanced Training Workshop on Mucogingival Surgery

Speakers: Cortellini P - Cortellini S - Bonaccini D

Date: from 11/12/2025 to 13/12/2025

The Advanced Training Workshop on Mucogingival surgery is an interactive course aiming at clinicians wishing to upgrade their skills in the soft tissue management around teeth. This Advanced course is specifically designed to discuss in details the treatment of mucogingival deficiencies and gingival recessions in single and multiple sites. The world renown expert on mucogingival surgery, Dr Cortellini, and His Team, will explain and discuss periodontal plastic surgery with lectures, 2D and 3D video demonstrations, focused hands-on training on animal models, and case discussion. Indications and contraindications of soft tissue augmentation around teeth, the use of biomaterials and the most advanced mucogingival surgery approaches will be thoroughly presented and discussed.